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Nose bleeds

Bleeding from the nose is common and can affect anyone at any age, but on occasions they can be heavy and serious. The lining of the nose is very delicate and even minor injuries to the nose from picking the nose, blowing too hard or even dry air can cause nose bleeds. They are also commonly seen after infections or using nasal steroid sprays. The use of blood thinners for the treatment of heart or clotting problems has led to an increase in nose bleeds, especially heavier episodes.

Simple nose bleeds can be managed with first aid measures, namely pinching the front (soft) part of the nose, and leaning forward over a sink or bowl for 10 to 15 minutes. Cold compresses to the bridge of the nose can also help. If nose bleeds persist or symptoms such as dizziness or fainting occur, then urgent medical attention should be sought.

When nose bleeds are frequent but self-limiting, and more of an inconvenience, there are treatment options. Nasal creams such as Naseptin can help (although you must ensure that you are not allergic to peanuts), or cautery can be performed. Typically, a full camera examination of the nose should be performed to rule out any other abnormalities in the nose.

Further information on nose bleeds can be found at the following link.