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Chronic throat symptoms

There is a separate pathway in the NHS if your GP suspects that you may have a cancer causing your throat symptoms and we would recommend you discuss this with your GP in the first instance (e.g. new persistent hoarse voice, new swallow problems or throat pain or new neck lump).

If you have symptoms which are long standing (i.e. chronic) and not thought to be due to a malignancy, there may be treatments and investigations that will be helpful. Chronic throat clearing and cough, which may be related to a hoarse voice, can be due to a number of ENT related conditions, including post-nasal drip (Catarrh) and acid reflux. A feeling of a lump in the throat, called globus sensation, is also a condition that can be managed in the ENT clinic.

Mr Tan and Mrs Lambert can undertake a full endoscopic (via a flexible camera) examination of the nose and throat in the clinic to make an assessment and advise on treatment strategies to help improve your symptoms.