Snoring is the noise that is produced by the soft tissues at the back of the throat and nose when sleeping. It can cause significant issues with sleep both for the patient as well as their partners. In some cases, it can be linked to a condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), which is a medical condition which over time can have serious effects such as high blood pressure. OSA is best managed by a review from a Respiratory consultant who will undertake the required testing (e.g. Sleep Study) and advise on management (e.g. use of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device in conjunction with weight-loss, if applicable).
Snoring which is not associated with symptoms of OSA (i.e. no pauses in the breathing at night or daytime sleepiness) may be improved with ENT treatments. The nose, soft palate, uvula (dangly tissue in back of the mouth) and upper throat can contribute to the noise of snoring.
Mr Tan and Mrs Lambert can undertake an assessment of what could be causing your snoring with an endoscopy (via a flexible camera) of the nose and throat in clinic, and then can discuss what treatment may be appropriate in your case.